Astro Boy: Anime Tezuka Osamu Series AstroBoy released on 2005 by Hot Toys. Astro Boy (Tetsuwan Atomu which means “Mighty Atom”) is a manga and anime series about a robot boy first broadcast in Japan from 1963 to 1966. It is a sci-fi series set in a futuristic world where androids co-exist with humans. Astro Boy’s light-up eyes – really bright and impressive – activated by flipping a switch on the back of his head. Light-up eyes – Really bright and impressive, activated by flipping a switch on the back of his head. Astro boy’s chest has a heart that beats, featuring blinking lights. He can “blast off” with the jet propulsion system under his boots, simulated by blinking red and yellow lights. Comes with a stand and is fully poseable.